Our newest stock will be uploaded to our website should you feel the need to browse.
Many folks wish to learn about crystals and come along even if it’s just to listen, we would love you to join us. No obligation to purchase – just enjoy!
+ Buy in real time
+ Cheaper prices than website listings
+ Learn about the crystals in depth as you go
+ You will receive confirmation immediately of your sale
+ A great way to connect with likeminded shoppers, a fun way to shop!
+ Internet Quality variable
+ Sometimes your internet may lag in speed, and this can affect your chances of securing the item you are wishing to purchase. Your internet can be affected by the number of apps you have open at the time, so close any extra apps to give you optimal speed when purchasing.
+ The live sale can move along at a swift pace
+ Please remember to keep track of your purchases during the live sale. Once custom listings are paid in full, they are removed from our website. It would be a great idea to take a screenshot of your tile listing for your reference.
+ To claim an item, use the price of the crystal and an emoji
+ The host will announce the person who has purchased the crystal, the host decision is final.
+ Instagram will prioritise your name to be seen first on your screen. PLEASE know that you will see a different order to the host. Instagram programs comments this way.
+ The fairest way to serve you all is for the host to call the name of the winner, the host decision will be final. We also have onsite screen checkers with us during the live to check this is fair for everyone.
+ Sadly, NO swap outs during the live, please only claim a piece if you 100% are prepared to purchase. This saves disappointment for other shoppers who may also desire this crystal.
+ Payment within 24 hours is required through the website, an hour after the live sale.
+ An hour after the live sale your orders will be available on our website under “Live Listings”.
+ Click on Live Listings, then click "Purchases" and add your order to the cart to check out.
+ PLEASE check over your order and items before you make a payment. We only wish to ensure you are delighted and the crystals you are purchasing are correct.
+ Only items on display during the live are available to purchase. Please email me should you wish to know about other items we have in stock.
+ Please email me to ask about order queries.
+ Our lives are a sacred place to us.
+ We treat our live time reverently as we find a forever home for each gift the earth has created for you.
+ Every person, every soul who joins us during a live is of divine value, purely by being present. We look forward to a genuine connection, care and leaning in to learn together and finding our way through life with the gift of crystals.
Thank you sincerely for joining us.
Arohanui xox